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Ducted Air Conditioning Explained

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What is ducted air conditioning?

Ducted air conditioning is a type of central air conditioning system that uses a series of ducts to distribute conditioned air throughout a home or office. The ductwork is usually installed in the ceiling or floor and runs to each room that needs to be cooled or heated. A register in each room controls the flow of air into the space.

Ducted systems are available in both cooling-only and heating-and-cooling models. Heating-and-cooling models use a heat pump to transfer heat from the indoors to the outdoors in the summer and vice versa in the winter.

Ducted air conditioning systems can be controlled by a central thermostat or by individual room thermostats. Centralised systems are more energy efficient because they allow you to set different temperatures for different areas of your home or office.

Advantages and Disadvantages of ducted air conditioning

Ducted air conditioning systems have several advantages over other types of air conditioning systems.

  • More energy efficient: Ducted systems are more energy efficient than split systems because they allow you to set different temperatures for different areas of your home or office. By cooling only the rooms that are being used, you can save on energy costs.

  • Quiet: Ducted systems are generally quieter than split systems because the outdoor unit is located away from living areas.

  • Flexible: Ducted systems can be designed to cool or heat any number of rooms in a home or office. They can also be used in conjunction with other heating and cooling systems such as ceiling fans and space heaters.

Disadvantages of ducted air conditioning systems include the following:

  • Expensive: Ducted air conditioning systems are more expensive to install than split systems because they require extensive ductwork.

  • Difficult to retrofit: Ducted systems are difficult to retrofit into existing homes and offices because of the need for extensive ductwork.

  • Not available in all areas: Ducted air conditioning is not available in all areas due to zoning regulations. In some areas, ductwork may not be allowed at all.

If you are considering a ducted air conditioning system for your home or office, it is important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages to see if it is the right choice for you.

Ducted air conditioning vs split system

Ducted air conditioning and split system air conditioning are the two most common types of central air conditioning systems. Both systems have their advantages and disadvantages that should be considered when making a decision.

Ducted air conditioning systems are more energy efficient than split systems because they allow you to set different temperatures for different areas of your home or office. By cooling only the rooms that are being used, you can save on energy costs. Ducted systems are also generally quieter than split systems because the outdoor unit is located away from living areas. However, ducted systems are more expensive to install than split systems because they require extensive ductwork. Ducted systems are difficult to retrofit into existing homes and offices because of the need for extensive ductwork. In some areas, ductwork may not be allowed at all.

Split system air conditioning systems are less expensive to install than ducted systems because they do not require extensive ductwork. Split system air conditioners can be installed in any room with an outside wall and can be controlled by a central thermostat or by individual room thermostats. However, split system air conditioners are less energy efficient than ducted systems because they cool or heat the entire space regardless of whether all rooms are being used. In addition, split system air conditioners are generally louder than ducted systems because the outdoor unit is located inside the living area.

When deciding between a ducted air conditioning system and a split system, it is important to consider the needs of your home or office. If energy efficiency is a priority, then a ducted system may be the better choice. If cost is a concern, then a split system may be the better option. Ultimately, the decision should be based on what will best meet the needs of your space.

Is ducted air conditioning noisy?

Ducted air conditioning systems are generally quieter than split systems because the outdoor unit is located away from living areas. However, some ducted systems may be noisier than others depending on the size and design of the system. If noise is a concern, it is important to speak with a professional about which system would be best for your home or office.

Is ducted air conditioning efficient?

Ducted air conditioning systems are more energy efficient than split systems since you can adjust various temperatures for any location in your house or workspace. You can save on energy costs by cooling only the rooms that are being used. Ducted cooling systems are also often better at circulating air throughout a space, which can also help to reduce energy costs.

Does ducted air conditioning add value to your house?

Ducted air conditioning can increase the market value of your living space or office by making it more comfortable and energy efficient. Ducted cooling appliances are also generally seen as a luxury item, so they can add prestige to your property. However, it is important to speak with a professional to see if ducted air conditioning is right for your home or office before making any purchasing decisions.

How much does it cost to install ducted air conditioning?

Ducted air conditioning systems are more expensive to install than split systems because they require extensive ductwork. The cost of installation will also vary depending on the size and design of your ducted system. Installing a ducted air conditioning system is a big investment, and the average price range can be anywhere from $7,000 to $12,000. It is always important to speak with a professional to get an accurate estimate for your home or office.

Can you install ducted air conditioning in an old house?

Many homeowners are interested in ducted air conditioning but are concerned that their home is too old to accommodate this type of system. While it is true that older homes may not have the necessary ductwork in place, it is usually possible to install ducted air conditioning with minimal disruption. In most cases, a contractor will need to run new ducts through the attic or crawl space. This can often be done without major demolition, and some contractors may even be able to use existing openings such as floor vents. In some cases, it may also be possible to retrofit an existing furnace to work with a ducted air conditioning system.

What is the lifespan of a ducted air conditioning system?

Ducted air conditioning systems have a lifespan of 20 years. However, the lifespan of your system will depend on how often it is used and how well it is maintained. It is important to have your ducted system serviced by a professional every few years to ensure that it is running efficiently and to extend its lifespan.

What size ducted air conditioning do I need?

The size of your ducted air conditioning system will be determined by the square footage of your living space or office. It is always best to speak with a licensed professional to ensure that you are getting the correct size for your needs. Geminair’s friendly team is more than happy to assist with any questions you may have - don’t hesitate to give us a call. 

How much does maintenance cost for a ducted air conditioning system?

Typically, homeowners can expect to pay around $100 per year for basic maintenance, such as filter replacement and coil cleaning. More extensive repairs, such as fixing leaks or replacing compressors, can cost anywhere from $500 to $1,000. Of course, the exact cost will vary depending on the severity of the problem and the size of the AC unit. Nevertheless, by budgeting for annual maintenance, homeowners can help to ensure that their ducted AC system continues to provide efficient cooling for years to come.